A Grain Of Wheat Ministries




Holiness. Is holiness important today? Does God care if we are holy?

Holiness and what will happen to what is not holy inside of us. What is the genuine gospel?

The Truth. Does today's church know and reflect God's truth?

What is the genuine gospel? What does the Bible really say?

In the twinkling of an eye. Will we be completely changed?

What will happen in the rapture? How will we be changed?

New Covenant. What does this mean for us?

What is our part in the New Covenant?

Really Justified? What it means to have faith.

Is God considering you just? How can we walk by faith?

Much More! Is there more to the Christian life?

God's plan for you as one of His children.

The Sons of Fresh Oil - taking care of our garments

Intimacy with God. Don't give up serving others.

Why aren't we more transformed? How can we escape sin?

Why are we not yet made perfect? Where is freedom from sin?

Escaping Sin. Are you really crucified?

How to be freed from sin. This is God's will for your life.

Freed from sin. Is it possible?

How can we be freed from sin? What does "being saved by His life" mean?

Is the Church preaching the wrong gospel?

Has the church missed something

The holy shove!

Helping others find the will of God.

We have free audio books in MP3 format!

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audio books here

It is marvelous the spiritual maturity that I am gaining (through reading these books), God and His work are not fiction! It does not all seem like a fairytale to me anymore like it used to. It has changed my life to realize that my old nature cannot be disguised or hidden, but instead it needs to die....

A reader from São Paulo, Brasil

We would like to offer all of our books as audio books in MP3 format.

If you would like to be a volunteer and read each chapter of one of our books fully, recording a quality audio copy and send it to us by email we will make it available on our website free of charge if we approve of the quality and spirit of the recording.

How to volunteer
to record audio books

We are always looking to offer books in more languages.

Want to help us by translating or proofreading books?

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